Monday, August 20, 2012

Skills and Hobbies

I have never really known what to say when someone asks me about skills I have. I don't have anything extraordinary that I can do, I suppose. I'm very good at figuring out problems, though. Either with friends and giving life advice, or teaching myself how to edit code on my computer's theme to make it how I want. I'm very observant and can read others very easily. I believe I'm fairly decent at writing and little crafty projects. I play around with photography and editing, but nothing too serious. I'm really good with people and can keep a calm, level head in stressful or confusing situations. 

When it comes to hobbies, I have a few I can easily think of. I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember. From Jill of the Jungle on floppy disk to Mario Bros. on NES, gaming for me started early on. I still game daily, and see no sign of giving it up.

(I have that shirt, by the way ^_^)

I also love to curl up with a good book. Anything by Hunter S. Thompson, Ned Vizzini, Chuck Palahniuk or Ellen Hopkins are always a good read for me. 

Now I must say that I am a huge movie buff. I will watch about anything but I have always had a love of anything horror, zombie-related (I love anything zombie related: books, comics, tv shows, movies, music, anything) or dealing with the supernatural. I also love a lot of cult-classics and dark comedies. I'll list those in the profile area. 

That's honestly about it. I'm not that interesting, sorry to admit it. I go to concerts or other events once in a while, but that's about it. 

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