Monday, August 20, 2012


As I was thinking of another post to make, I figured I would dedicate one to one of my obsessions. Body modification. I currently have 5 tattoos, 9 piercings, and half of my hair is dyed violet. (It has been red, blonde, pink, purple, blue, teal, orange, black, about anything you can think of). My tattoos, piercings, and experiments with my hair have helped me in a way not many understand. I have dealt with self esteem issues for as long as I can remember, and the art I have put on my body has helped me feel more comfortable with myself. I still glow with pride every time some stranger stops me in town and compliments my tattoos or hair. I have always been fascinated with body modification, and now that I have been able to enjoy it for myself, I couldn't be happier. The tattoos have also proved..therapeutic, in a way. Two of them I got done at a very rough time in my life, and the process of getting them done was a bit of a healing process for me. Each one has special meaning to me and I will cherish them for life. 

Shown here is my anti-eyebrow and my lip ring. I also have 9/16 stretched lobes, tragus done on both sides, nostril, and others that I'm not sure can be mentioned for my class blog. (:

Right after my newest tattoo was done. Quote by Hunter S. Thompson. Art/text style influenced by Ralph Steadman. 

My graduation present to myself. My baby <3

My first tattoos, my sparrows. And hint of my purple hair XD

I also have a memorial piece on my foot dedicated to someone dear to me who passed away in 2010.

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