Sunday, August 19, 2012


                                                            Hello! My name is Morgan.

I'm 20 years old and I have just started my third year at Columbus State University. I'm majoring in Secondary Education-History. Which means that I will be a high school history teacher. Hopefully I'll be teaching something in the European history category since that's the most interesting subject to me. During this current semester, I am taking this Intro to Information Tech class. I honestly thought it would be like most computer intro classes and treat the student like they couldn't even turn on a computer if their life depended on it. I'm thankful to see that, while some of the information is already known to me, it looks like there are still things in this class to learn. 

Before starting at CSU, I graduated from Lee County High School in Leesburg, Georgia in 2010. I did not participate in any sports and did not get into any clubs until my senior year when I joined the Psychology Club. Psychology has always been fascinating to me so it seemed an appropriate choice. (Sadly, the club never really met except to take the club's picture so not much was achieved from that.)

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